Terms of Use
1 Purpose
These Terms and Conditions LuxHouse.kr (The "Company" refers) (i) with respect to the use of the LuxHouse.kr Services provided by the company and the members of the to the rights, obligations and responsibilities, the purpose of setting forth the other necessary changes.
2 Definition
The definitions of terms used in this agreement are as follows.
① "service" means any device that is implemented (PC, TV, including a variety of wired and wireless devices such as portable terminal) and that, regardless of the "members" to use LuxHouse.kr And LuxHouse.kr refers to various related services.
② "Member" means in accordance with the terms and conditions by accessing the Company "Services" signed a "company" with the contract and "Company" refers to customers who use the "services" provided by.
③ "identity (ID)" shall mean the e-mail address in the "Members" to identify and establish the "Service" using "members" to the "Company", "Member", which has been approved.
④ "Password" refers to the "Members" are granted membership "that matches the username" "and to ensure that privacy protection" means a Member "is determined by a combination of his letters or numbers.
The agreement on the meaning of the term is not defined in the above paragraph will in general trading practices.
3 Publishing and revision of the agreement
① "Company" is posted on the Service Home screen, so that you know the contents of this Agreement, "Member" easily.
② "Company" may revise these terms and conditions within a range that does not violate the "law (the on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection," Information Network Act ")" laws such as the "Act on the Regulation of Terms". < br />
③ "Company" is to revise the agreement has to specify the effective date and reasons for revision to be announced the day before effective date 30 days before the effective date in accordance with its revised terms of paragraph 1 way with the current agreement. However, in the case of amendments to the terms and conditions of the disadvantaged members must be clearly notified otherwise through electronic means such as e-mail service within a certain period of time, the electronic message, in addition to notice when you sign donguichang.
④ The company is known for revised terms in accordance with the preceding paragraph or notification and if not the intention within 30 days to the Member intention is to clarify the meaning Seeing as expressed notice or notice though membership is explicitly not the intention of denial cases where a Member try to agree on revised terms.
⑤ If members do not agree to the revised terms of the applicable company can not apply the content of the amended agreement, in which case the Member may terminate the contract. However, if special circumstances can not be applied to an existing agreement, the Company may terminate the contract.
4 interpretation of the agreement
① The Company may operate by providing a separate operating policies for service operations, the company will apply after notice to the service operating policies.
② Follow the separate operating policies, laws and regulations or commercial practices for the information or analysis not defined in this Agreement.
5 Use Agreement
① contract is signed by "members" to become a party (the "applicant") and that a membership application, and then agree to the content of the terms "company" is accepted for such application.
② "company" is in principle also accept the use of "service" for the application of the "applicant". However, the "Company" can terminate the contract following a post-approval does not apply in respect for each call.
1. If an applicant is registering who have lost their membership in the former by this agreement, the members should rejoin the consent of only the "Company" as an exception in the case obtained.
2. If you are not a real name or with others who
3. If you have not described the contents as described below, or the "Company" presented false information
4. If due to reasons attributable to the user's approval is not possible or apply for violations and other matters prescribed by
③ in the application in accordance with claim 1, wherein the "Company", you can request a check and my real name is certified by specialized agencies in accordance with the kind of "membership".
④ "Company" or if there is a free service-related facilities, technical or business problem, it can withhold consent.
⑤ if not the acceptance of application for membership in accordance with sections 2 and claim 4 or reserves, "company" should, in principle, to notify it to the applicant.
⑥ established when the contract is completed by the time the display will join the "Company" on the application process.
⑦ "Company" can be used to subdivide the two differential to use time, use frequency, menu, service, etc., separated by grades according to company policy for "Members".
6 Profile
① "members" can view their personal information at any time through the screen and modify personal information management.
② "members" should inform the changes with respect to the Register when changes are made at the time of application described in the revised online or e-mail or other methods "Company" details.
③ fails to inform the penalties against the changes made in paragraph 2 of the "Company", "Company" is not responsible.
7 privacy obligations
"The company" is committed to protecting the privacy of the "Information Network Act" and relevant laws and regulations are "members" as prescribed. This Privacy Policy and the laws "Company" apply for the protection and use of personal information. However, the "Company" link in the site other than the official site of the privacy policies of "company" does not apply.
Duty to 8 management of the "ID" and "Password" in the "Members"
① "Member" and to the "Username" and "Password" management responsibility "Member" on, we should not use them to third parties.
② "Company", "member" of the "identity" of personal information if spill concerns or, in the ohinhan concerned with antisocial or displaced in order and customs a breeze or the "Company", and the operator of the "Company", the "identity" of the use It can limit.
③ "membership" should follow the instructions on the notice in the "Username" and "Password" is stolen or if third parties use, and immediately recognized that this "company" and "company".
④ that the "members" in the case of paragraph 3 do not notice the fact that the "company", with respect to the disadvantage fails to follow the instructions in the "Company" Even if you notice the "Company" is not responsible.
Notice of the 9 "Members"
① "Company" may be a "member" service within the e-mail address, unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions If you notice about, such as electronic note.
② "Company", "Member" If you notice, for the whole of paragraph 1 be replaced by a notice published in the Bulletin of the "company" for more than seven days.
Obligations 10 "Company"
① "Company" prohibits the Law and the agreement or not to act against the breeze order and customs, and strive to do their best to provide a continuous and reliable "service".
② "Company" will "members" are safe "service" can have the security system to ensure your personal information (including credit information) available and protected disclosures and compliance with our Privacy Policy.
③ The "company" includes the human resources and systems necessary to properly handle the user's request, complaint or redress arising out of or in connection with services.
④ "company" when used in connection with the Service deemed the opinions or complaints raised by "members" should be handled. "Member" take advantage of the Forum for feedback or complaint is filed or delivered to the process and results "members" through e-mail, etc..
Obligations 11 "Members"
① "Member" should not engage in the following actions.
1. Registration of false information when applying or changing
2. Theft of others
3. "Company" change of posting information
4. transmitting or posting such "Company" information other than that specified information (computer programs)
5. infringement of intellectual property rights, such as "Company" and other third-party copyright
6. "Company" and other third-party actions that interfere with or impair the honorary work
7. obscene or violent messages, video, audio, or other act of public order or information contrary to public order and customs post in the "Service"
8. The act of using a for-profit company without the consent of the "services"
9. Other illegal or improper
② "members" are laws, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, Guidelines, and "Service" and notice the attention to relevant information, shall comply with such requirements to inform the "Company", an act which is interfering in the work of other "companies" hayeoseoneun not.
12 "service" provided, including
① The company provides the following services to its members.
1 property. Information about services provided, etc.
2 property. Sell / Buy Request for
3 property. Recommended for
4. Other "Company" or the further development of the integrated services through a partnership contract with other companies to provide "members"
② company to split the "service" to some extent, it can specify the time available for each range separately. However, these known cases, the contents in advance.
③ "service" is, in principle, to provide year-round, 24 hours a day.
④ "Company" may temporarily suspend the provision of "services" if there is a maintenance, replacement and breakdown, operational disruptions or significant reason for the computer and information communication equipment. In this case, notify the "Company" in the manner specified in Article 9 Notification to the "Member": "Member". However, the "Company" may be notified after the fact if there are unavoidable reasons that can not be notified in advance.
⑤ "Company" may conduct periodic inspections, if necessary, in the provision of services, the time is subject to regular inspection by the bar service announcements on the screen.
13 Change the "Service"
① "Company" may change all or some of the "services" that are provided in accordance with the operational, technical needs if you have a good reason.
② will be posted to the service initial screen "services" of information, how to use, if there is a change with respect to time using Reason for change, such as the contents and the date of the Service is subject to change before the change.
③ "Company" modify the part or all of the services that are provided free of charge company's needs in policy and operations, interruption, can change, so no separate compensation to the "Members" unless otherwise specified in the legislation for .
14 provision and delivery of ads Information
① "Company", "Member" to "service" a variety of information deemed necessary in the way of such notice or e-mail can be used to provide "members". However, the "members" can be answered, such as the exclusion of such transactions and customer contact information in accordance with the law and is rejected for any incoming e-mail.
② If you attempt to transfer the information to the phone by the first paragraph and facsimile transmission device, you receive the prior consent of the "members". However, except in the reply to "Member" and trade-related information such as customer inquiries.
③ "Company" in connection with the operation of "service" you can advertise services such as screens, websites, e-mail. "Member" received an e-mail with your ads may refuse to receive the "Company".
④ "users (members and non-members included)" changes the post, or any other information in connection with services provided by the company, does not take action, including limiting modifications,.
15 "Post" Copyright
① The copyright of "Member" is a "post" published in the "Services" shall belong to the author of this post.
② "Member" to "service", "post" can be exposed to the search results to "service" and related promotions such as posting in my you can be a part modify, reproduce, edited publication the extent necessary for the impression. In this case, the company will comply with copyright regulations, "Member" is any center or customer "service" for the old posts through my management, except for search results, it can take measures such as closed.
③ "Company" if you want to use the "members" of the "post" by means other than paragraph 2 must obtain the consent of "membership" in advance by phone, fax, email, etc.
16 management of the "post"
① If you include the contents in violation of the "members" of the "post" the "Information Network Act" and the "Copyright Law" and relevant laws, the right holder may request such takedowns and deletion of the "post" in accordance with the procedures applicable law determined "company" is required to take action in accordance with law.
② "Company" can be the case if there is no request of the holder in accordance with the preceding paragraph or a reason to be acknowledged that any infringement in violation of other Company policies and applicable law, depending on the applicable law to take provisional measures, for the "post" .
③ detailed procedures under this section is subject to the "Information Network Act" and "copyright" within the scope of the Regulation "Company" established by "takedown services".
17 right
① on copyright and intellectual "services" Property is attributable to the "company". However, the "members" work provided under "posts" and partnership agreements, such as exclusion.
18 severance, termination, etc.
① "Membership" at any time and can terminate the contract by applying the initial screen of the customer service center or My Menu information management, "company" should be treated as soon as prescribed by the law, such as the.
② all the data on the "Member" If you terminate this Agreement, in accordance with applicable laws and privacy policies "Company" and immediately terminate the "Members" unless the member that holds the information will be destroyed.
③ "Member" If you terminate this Agreement, "Member" written "post" any of the registered post to your account, such as email, blogs will be deleted. However, the ADD by others, such as the scrap is re-published or, such as "posts" on a public bulletin board is not currently registered, please delete after deleting the withdrawal in advance.
19 blackout, etc.
① "Company", "Member" a violation of the obligations of this agreement, or if you interfere with the normal operation of the "service" warning, you can gradually limit the "service" used as pause, permanent blackout, etc. < br />
② violation of the "Company" Nevertheless, "social security laws" to violate identity theft and payment steal, "copyright", and the provision of illegal programs in violation of the "Computer Program Protection Act" and the interruption of operations, "Information Network Act" Despite the preceding one If you violate the law, such as telecommunications and illegal hacking, distribution of malicious programs, access rights acts, the excess can be used to permanently stop immediately. When using permanent suspension pursuant to this section are all destroyed one also "points" and other benefits obtained through the use of "service", "company" is no compensation for this separately.
③ "Company", "Member" continues for more than 3 months if you do not log in, you can restrict access to the effectiveness of the protection and management of member information.
④ "Company" within the conditions and details of the restrictions of this section will limit use of the limit prescribed in the policy and operational policy on the use of individual services.
⑤ If you limit the "service" used in accordance with this Article or to terminate the contract, you will notice in accordance with the Notification of the "member"] "company" Article 9.
⑥ "membership" can be an appeal in accordance with the procedures established by the "company" for such use restrictions under this Article. If you are recognized as a "company" that it will resume the protest justified the use of "company" immediately "service".
20 Limitation of Liability
① "Company" if you can not due to natural disasters or uncontrollable provide "services" are exempt from the responsibility for providing "services".
② "company" is not liable for the failure of the use of "service" due to reasons attributable to the "Members".
③ "Company", "Member" is also not responsible for the content of the information, materials, etc. In fact, the reliability, accuracy, published in conjunction with "services".
④ "Company" if you deal with such a "Member" or between "members" and "service" to each other via a third party, the responsibility is waived.
⑤ "Company" in connection with the services to be provided free of charge not be liable unless there are special provisions in the law.
21 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
① Litigation filed between "company" and "members" are the laws of the Republic of Korea to the law.
② to as the "Company" and "members" exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the place of residence if proceedings concerning the dispute occurred between uihago do not have the address, the address of the "members" of the complaint at the time. However, the jurisdiction of the court case filed at the time of "members" of the address or place of residence is not it unclear is determined according to the Code of Civil Procedure.
Despite ③ In the case of "membership" in the address or place of residence in the foreign proceedings concerning the "Company" and "membership" in the preceding paragraph, the dispute occurred between the competent courts of the Republic of Korea Seoul Central District Court.
① This agreement is effective from June 25, 2014.
Privacy Statement
1 Entry in the collected personal information to
First, the Company collects the minimum personal information, such as the first time Register below for the provision of the Register, seamless customer service, various services as required.
- Mandatory when registering: Username (email), password, name, phone number
Second, the following information on the services or business processes are processes can be generated automatically collected.
- IP Address, cookies, temporary visits, service use records, recorded using poor
2 Personal Information Collection Methods
The company collects personal information in the following ways.
- Main, written form, fax, telephone and counseling bulletin boards, email, events, application, request delivery
- Provide suppliers from
- Collect information collected through the creation of tools
3 Collection and use of personal information object
① Custom property Provided
② subscription service, personal identification, using Naver used on cheating and services interfere with the smooth running of the use of restrictive measures, services for the agreement violates members conduct sanctioned, subscription doctor check, sign up and join a limited number, only children under the age of 14 personal information collected when checking whether the legal representative agrees, the legal representative later identification, record-keeping for dispute resolution, grievance handling such complaints, notices passes, membership withdrawal confirmation of the doctor
③ new service development and personalized services, providing services and advertising, validation services, opportunities, event information and participation of the statistical properties, advertising information provision, access frequency identification, statistics on the services of the Member
4 Sharing and the provision of personal information
The company used within users' personal information. "3. The purpose of the purpose of collection and use of personal information" notices in the range, and without the user's prior consent or used beyond the scope principle, the same disclose personal information to an external no.
5 Personal information retention and availability
When personal information is collected and used principally to achieve two objectives will destroy personal information without delay. However, keeping the following information for the period specified below for conservation reasons.
① written complaints or disputes about the handling of consumers: one year
② website visit: 3 months
③ (abnormally service use records, such as registering negative, disciplinary records) illegal use record: 1 year
6 Personal Information Destruction Procedures and Methods
① digging procedure (in the case of paper separate filing cabinet) transferred to separate DB after the user information that you enter, such as for registering to achieve this goal in accordance with the data protection reasons due to internal policy and other relevant legislation (possession and use reference period) will be destroyed after a certain period of time is saved.
② the same personal information will not be used for purposes other than those held under the Act if the documentation is not.
③ Personal information printed on paper will be discarded shredder or through incineration.
④ personal information stored in electronic files is deleted using technical methods that can play the recording.
Details on the 7 Installation / operating unit automatically collect personal information and denied
The Company stores the user's information and use often invoke the "Cookie (cookie) 'in order to provide a personalized and customized service
Cookies are stored on the user's computer hard disk to a very small text file that the server used to run a website sends to the user's browser. If the user visits the website after the website server is used to read the contents of a cookie stored on the hard disk of the user keeping the user's preferences and provides a customized service.
- Cookie does not collect personally identifiable information automatically / active, the user can at any time reject or delete this cookie store
Visit and use the form for each service and the patrons who visited the website of the company, to identify the user, such as a scale used to provide optimized customized information including advertising to users.
- The user has the option to install cookies. Therefore, each user or through confirmation accept all cookies by setting an option in the Web browser or when a cookie is stored, or you can reject all cookies.
- However, if you refuse to save cookies Naver some services that require a login can be difficult to use
- To specify whether the installation of cookies allowed (for Internet Explorer) are as follows:
① Select the Tools menu, click Internet Options].
② Click the Privacy tab].
③ simply set the privacy level].
8 Technical / administrative measures to protect personal information
The company got in handling users' personal information and personal information, take the following technical / administrative measures for securing such loss, theft, leak, alteration or damage safety.
① the original's password ID (ID) is encrypted and stored and managed only person to know, check and change your personal information is available only to those who know the password.
② The Company is committed to prevent personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses.
③ the company's privacy treats employees is limited to personnel and can and are regularly updated to give it a separate password for it, always emphasizing the observance of Naver Privacy policy through frequent training for staff.
④ for damage the company is not in spite of it privacy of users such obligations due to negligence or accidents in your area, the company is not attributable to the company management company is not responsible.
9 Contacts personal information manager and personnel
① Sue Woo, Luxhousekorea@gmail.com 010-6275-9494
If you have any other complaints about invasion of privacy or counseling is needed, please contact the following organizations.
- Privacy Complaint Center (no privacy.kisa.or.kr / Station No. 118)
- Prosecutors' Office Cyber Criminal Investigation Division (www.spo.go.kr / 02-3480-3571)
- Police Cyber Security Administration (www.ctrc.go.kr / 182 without area code)
10 Notice obligations
When there is a current privacy policy information to add, delete, and modify will notice over the 'announcement' home from at least seven days prior to revision. However, if there are significant changes to the user rights, such as the collection and utilization of Personal Information, you will notice at least 30 days.
- Announcement Date: September 18, 2014
- Effective Date: September 25, 2014
Previous privacy policy (July 31, 2014-9 years May 24, 2014)
Location Conditions
1 Purpose
This agreement is for the purpose of fondness for matters relating to the use of "service" between "LuxHouse.kr" (Hereinafter referred to as "Services"), location-based services using the "Customer".
The definition of 2 term
1) The meaning of the terms used in this Agreement are as follows: each call. Under the agreement on the meaning of this term is not defined in subparagraphs "LuxHouse.kr" Up to the terms of use and general business practices.
. ① "LuxHouse.kr" Location-based services provided by the term "company"
. ② "service" means to offer for sale the real estate registration information to users based on the location information, such as your smartphone
③ "customer" shall "? LuxHouse.kr" refers to the use of user .
④ "Member" shall provide personal information to the company and as a person who has a membership registration, "? LuxHouse.kr" receive of providing continuous information, "company" is to provide "LuxHouse.kr" in the "services" refers to the characters that can be used continuously. "Company" can be classified according to the "service" of providing for a smooth internal rating of "Member", "company" rules.
. ⑤ "non-members" means characters without signing up to use the "Member", "Company", "service" provided by the
2) Follow the prescribed terms and conditions, etc. "Law on Protection and Use of such location information" and related laws.
Conclusion and termination of the 3 Contract
1) "customer" will join the Personal Location Services notices in accordance with the terms and conditions if you want to use the "services" of "company". If the "members" joined the tread members agreed upon procedures "non-member" if you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions for using the "service".
2) "Customer" shall terminate the application via email to the Privacy Officer "company" when you want to terminate the contract.
The contents of 4 Services
1) "Company", "Customer", and this only provides location information of the registered items to "customer" by combining the location information and other personal information will not be used as location information.
2) Commercial location of the "customer" available offers, etc. for your smartphone.
3) "company" is the location information provider, receiving the location information from mobile operators "LuxHouse.kr" Of the mobile terminal location-based services: through a dedicated application (the "Application") It offers.
① provide access position "Service": based on the "service" position of last access "customers" who approved the use of location information provided through a list or on a map the information in the "Service"
② Location: using WPS (Wifi Positioning System), GPS coordinates extraction-based and mobile terminal refers to the point that generates the "Customer"
③ provide results that utilized the final connection position "Service": presents the results with respect to the information provided in accordance with the functions in the "Service" with the current position when the search request personal location information
④ "customers" to update the location information is "? LuxHouse.kr" is done when after the execution or running, location-specific menus available, the "customer" position is updated by the user reflect the final position based on the information.
5 hours
"LuxHouse.kr" Is in use and available 24 hours a day, however, a system failure, you can have the service unavailable error repair program, etc. If unavoidable external factors.
6 How to collect location information
"Company" will collect personal location information in the following manner.
① collect real-time location-based information of the base station (Cell ID method) using a mobile device such as
② collected through the GPS chip GPS information is collected through a dedicated terminal location information, such as the built-in
③ Wi-Fi chips are collected through the built-in Wi-Fi information that is collected through a dedicated terminal location information
Use 7 visitor's location
"Company" can offer is "Member" If you agree, etc. This agreement, or "non-member" take advantage of this location-related collected through the year terminal at the menu, use the location information to the information and "members" of the post.
① a "Member" and accept such terms, or "non-members" when using this location-specific menus for use "service" it assumes you have exposed the position of the person arbitrarily and "Company" Real-time location information of the "customer" based on the content it provides.
② location information and content, such as typing "services" for the one "member" when using generated content, "the company" will save and preserve information about the location of the "members". "Company" uses the location information to recommend a place or information based on the current position of the "members" of the registered post "customer".
8 or consent about the use of personal location information provided
1) "Company" will not provide the relevant personal location information to third parties without the consent of the personal location information.
2) "company" will not record or keep the personal use of location information, check facts available data for purposes not related to transactions between "customers".
9 the right of personal location data subject
1) personal location data subject may withdraw all or part of the agreement for the use of personal location information • Provide.
2) personal location information with respect to the subject "Company" or the notice can request a viewing of the data below, if there is a fault in such materials may require its correction. In this case, the "Company" will not refuse the request without good reason.
① check the location information is used, providing facts about the personal location information subject material
② personal location information, personal location information of the principal and the third party reason to information provided by the laws or regulations of other laws such protection and use of location information
3) personal location information subject using Article 15 of the agreement to contact the Claims 1 to paragraph 2 may require the exercise of rights "company".
10 Change the "Services" and stop
1) "Corporate" if such can not be maintained as the "company" of various circumstances or legal disability "service" as policy changes of position information carriers, restrict all or part of the "Service", you can not change or stop you.
2) In the case of the "Service" interrupted by 1, the "Company" or the like are known in advance and the Internet "services" screen notify any person or entity location information.
11 specifies the location information of the manager
1) "company" to manage, protect the location information and the position specifying operation information manager that can smoothly handle complaints due to the personal location information of the "customer" for transactions.
2) specific details as location information management officer of the department to provide location-based services department is subject to the terms and conditions of this Addendum.
12 for damages and indemnification
1) personal location data subject may claim damages for the case following the "Company" suffered damage from acts that correspond to each heading "Company". In this case, personal location data subject must be demonstrated that there is a direct intention or negligence "Company".
① collect location information without the consent of the individual user or location data subject, except as permitted by laws, acts of using
② acts of leaks, tampering, damage, such as personal location information
2) "company" is not liable for damages caused by natural disasters, such as when force majeure reasons or users of intentionally or negligently.
3) "company" will not reimburse users for damages suffered by users and third parties using the error location information that may occur depending on the communication environment of the network operators.
13 Changes to the Terms
1) "The Company" is when you want to change the agreement to publish the changes through a notice in advance.
2) "members" may terminate the Agreement prior to the effective date of the agreement to change business days after the changes made to the agreement in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) is published or notified. If you do not reach the "Member" objection "Company" in front in just a period of "members" try to have it approved.
14 adjustment of disputes
"Company" has not been made in consultation between the dispute related to the location information the parties, or if you can not do a consultation, electric accordance with the provisions of the Telecommunications Basic Law to apply for finance on the Korea Communications Commission, or information promoting network use and information laws protecting etc. personal information may apply to adjust to the dispute Resolution Committee under the provisions of.
15 business information and location information management officer designated
Company Name : LuxHouse.kr
Address1 : SeoUl YongSanGu HoeNaMuLo 21, 1Cheung SeuTaBuDongSan
Address2 : 1st flr., 21 Hoenamu-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Tel : 010 9099 0544
CEO : Sue Woo, Luxhousekorea@gmail.com
e-mail : luxhousekorea@gmail.com
All agree
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